Surrendering a Pet
We only accept owner surrenders from our county, Kosciusko, and those that come in from North Manchester with an approved voucher.
Before you release your animal to the shelter, ensure that this is truly the decision you want to make and no other options are available. If a lack of resources, such as food, is the issue, give us a call at (574) 267-3008, and we can point you in the direction of community resources that will be able to assist you. We also have links to different rehoming sites that you can try before subjecting your animal to the shelter environment, such as Home to Home, Adopt-A-Pet Rehome Program and community Facebook pages dedicated to rehoming pets in the Kosciusko County area.
Before surrendering your pet to us, make sure to give us a call to see if we have the space to take in your pet. Sometimes we are completely full and cannot accept owner surrenders, but we can refer you to other rescues in our area. We also require an appointment for you to release your pet to us, so you can call us and schedule that as well.
When you come in, you will be required to fill out an owner release form and there is a surrender fee for each pet that is released to us. The surrender fee can vary based on the surrender situation. Please bring any vet records you have with you. At this time, we will take a copy of your driver’s license to verify that you reside in Kosciusko County.
Once you release your pet to us, it is final. No further information will be provided to you or anyone else regarding the status of the animal.